About company

We complete projects exceeding your expectations

  • 30+
    years of experience
  • 4000+
  • 1200+
  • 1.3 billion ₽
    annual investment in development

Founded in 1994, SP VIS-MOS LLC became the first to introduce and use trenchless technology in Russia. Over thirty years, we have successfully implemented more than 4,000 projects for the oil and gas industry. Today we provide a full range of services for the development of mineral deposits and the construction of related infrastructure:

  • Engineering of oil and gas infrastructure facilities.
  • Construction of production and exploration wells of various levels of complexity, from vertical to multilateral.
  • Construction of linear pipelines.
  • Arrangement of well pads.
  • Construction of underwater crossings by trenchless methods.

High technical equipment of production allows us to carry out large-scale projects on time and with a guarantee of quality. Compliance with the requirements of labor protection, environmental standards, production culture are the priority principles of the company.

We are especially proud of our strategic and friendly relations with our Customers. Their trust is an incentive for further development and achievement of new professional heights.

History of the company


Foundation of LLC "SP VIS-MOS" - the first enterprise in the Russian Federation, which mastered the technology of horizontal directional drilling in the construction of underwater crossings


Construction of an underwater gas pipeline crossing through the Volga-Don Canal. First record for drilling parameters. The well preparation diameter was 1800 mm, the pipeline diameter was 1420 mm, the crossing length was 780 m (two lines)


Blue Stream international project (Russia-Turkey gas pipeline), construction of 8 crossings, pipeline diameter 1420mm, crossing lengths 680-900m


International project "Nord Stream" (gas pipeline Russia-Germany), construction of two underwater crossings, pipeline diameter 1420mm, crossing lengths 795-1040m. The classification of soils corresponded to category VI in terms of development complexity. Deposition of boulders along the entire trajectory of the well up to 1.5 meters in diameter


Development of the Vankor group of oil fields for RN-Vankorneft. Construction of 8 underwater crossings, pipeline diameters 820-1220 mm, lengths of crossings 469-1559m. The uniqueness of the project lies in the work in the area of permafrost soils


Gasification of the Black Sea coast as part of the preparation of facilities for the 2014 Olympics, Dzhubga-Lazorevskoye-Sochi gas pipeline "land-sea", construction of 5 crossings, pipeline diameters 325-762mm, lengths of crossings 740-1260m. The classification of soils corresponded to category VII in terms of development complexity. The presence of rocky soils with the inclusion of zones with large-scale fracturing. Construction was carried out with access to the sea casing of the gas pipeline


Gas pipeline Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok. Gasification of Russky Island in preparation for the APEC 2012 summit. Underwater crossing through the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, pipeline diameter 426mm, crossing length 2857 meters. The classification of soils corresponded to category VII in terms of development complexity. The project is unique due to the combination of the maximum length of the crossing and the presence of rocky soils. First use of DirectPipe technology with the HK500 pusher


Expansion of the company's activities. Purchase of two complexes for the construction of crossings by the method of press-auger drilling


Construction of a water supply system to Vasilevsky Island (St. Petersburg), pipeline diameter 1000 mm, crossing length 1350 m. The uniqueness of the project was the organization of work from artificially filled production sites in the Neva River


Expansion of the company's activities. Participation in projects for the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves, using the technology of steam-assisted gravity stimulation (SAGD). Purchase of 4 drilling complexes of the Prime Vertical company with a drilling angle from 0 to 90 degrees


Expansion of the company's activities. Participation in exploration and production drilling projects. Purchase of mobile drilling rig ZJ-30 with top power drive. Construction of two exploratory wells of a natural gas storage facility for the needs of Gazprom Geologorazvedka


Expansion of the company's activities. Modernization of drilling rigs for participation in a geological exploration project to confirm the reserves of the diamond mining company ALROSA. Long-term project for drilling multilateral multidirectional wells with coring. 2017-2023 Region Yakutia


Expansion of the company's activities. Start of the direction of construction of the linear part of the pipelines. Participation in projects for the construction of linear facilities for the development of the Severo-Russkoye field, the Suzun-Vankor project


Expansion of the company's activities. Participation in projects for the arrangement and engineering preparation of well pads and access roads. Purchase of specialized equipment and dump trucks


Expansion of the company's activities. Development of a direction for the arrangement of well pads. Full range of works. Investments in the purchase of specialized equipment and expansion of the dump truck fleet


Project for the reconstruction of the main product pipeline with a diameter of 530 mm. "Gubkinsky GPP-Yuzhno-Balyksky GPP", construction of an additional reserve line, construction of launch chambers.


Expansion of the company's activities. Participation in a project to restore production wells by sidetracking on Sakhalin Island on a general contract basis. Purchase of drilling complex ZJ-40 with top power drive. Long term project. 2023-2026 Region Sakhalin Island



High professionalism and continuous improvement

as a guarantee of a positive result of cooperation with all interested parties.

Responsibility, timeliness and impeccability

when performing work as a guarantee of long-term partnerships and maintaining a high reputation of the company.

Innovation focus

as a way to constantly ensure the high competitiveness of the enterprise.

Good Business Conduct

as an indicator of responsibility to society for compliance with its norms and rules.

Efficiency and sustainability

as the main guideline in the performance of work for the simultaneous observance of the interests of the Customer and society.

Openness and willingness

take into account the interests of employees and partners of the Company as the basis for constructive interaction and mutual support.


«To explore, extract, deliver the energy resources of the Earth for the benefit of Man, remaining a reliable partner for many years»


The largest fleet of equipment for the construction of oil and gas infrastructure facilities from road and well pad dumping to field development

  • 500+
    pieces of equipment
  • more than 3.2 billion ₽
    equipment cost
  • less than 7 years
    average age of machinery and equipment
  • Installations for the construction of crossings using the method of trenchless technologies
    18 units

    Pulling force up to 500 tons, drilling length up to 2500 m, pipe diameter 300-1400 mm.

    Designed for the construction of pipeline crossings through water barriers and artificial structures in a trenchless way

  • Installations for the construction of production and exploration wells
    15 units

    Designed for drilling directional, vertical, horizontal and multilateral wells, including for the extraction of minerals, hard-to-recover heavy oil reserves using SAGD technology, preliminary degassing of coal mines and dewatering.

  • Road construction equipment
    50 units

    Dump trucks, excavators, bulldozers, graders, rollers.

    They are used in the construction of well pads and access roads in oil and gas fields

  • Special equipment and trucks
    over 300 units

    Truck cranes, pipelayers, cementing units, tankers, shift buses, loaders, trucks for various purposes.

    It is used in the process of mobilization and demobilization of the complex, construction and installation works, life support of the construction camp